In the Fire is a 2023 American thriller film directed by Conor Allyn. The film stars Amber Heard, Eduardo Noriega, and Lorenzo McGovern Zaini. It premiered at the Taormina Film Festival on June 24, 2023, and was released in the United States on October 13, 2023, by Saban Films.The film follows Grace Victoria Burnham (Heard), an American psychiatrist who travels to a remote plantation in the 1890s to care for a disturbed boy named Sebastian (Zaini) who seems to have inexplicable abilities. As Grace begins to treat Sebastian, she ignites a war of science versus religion with the local priest, Father Quinn (Noriega), who believes that Sebastian is possessed by the Devil.
In The Fire 2023
In The Fire 2023 download
In The Fire 2023 Movie download
In The Fire Movie
In The Fire Movie download