Blood Vessel - 2023
"Blood Vessel" is a 2023 Nollywood thriller directed by Moses Inwang and produced by Charles Okpaleke. The movie revolves around a group of six people who stow away on a mysterious ship while fleeing a town devastated by oil pollution. Unaware of the dangers that await them, they find themselves in a perilous situation. The film explores themes of survival, escape, and the consequences of their actions.
The movie received mixed reviews from critics. Some praised the emotional performances of the lead actors and the intriguing storyline, while others felt that certain aspects of the film, such as the pacing and soundtrack, could have been improved. The use of the Ijaw language, which is not commonly featured in Nollywood films, was appreciated as well.
"Blood Vessel" was released on Netflix on December 8, 2023. It quickly gained popularity and achieved significant success, ranking number one on Netflix and entering the top 10 list of films in various countries. The film's release on Netflix contributed to the growing presence of Nollywood offerings on the streaming platform.