Concussion Movie - 2015
"Concussion" is a 2015 American biographical sports drama film directed by Peter Landesman. It is based on the exposé "Game Brain" by Jeanne Marie Laskas, published in 2009 by GQ magazine. The movie stars Will Smith as Dr. Bennet Omalu, a forensic pathologist who discovers a degenerative brain condition called chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE) in former NFL player Mike Webster. Driven by his findings, Omalu fights against the National Football League (NFL) as they attempt to suppress his research.
The film explores the challenges faced by Dr. Omalu as he tries to raise awareness about the risks of CTE and the impact of repeated head injuries in football players. It delves into themes such as the NFL's response to the concussion issue and the struggle for truth and justice.
"Concussion" received mixed reviews from critics and audiences. While some praised Will Smith's performance and the film's timely subject matter, others felt that the traditional sports drama structure played it safe. It is worth noting that there have been discussions about the accuracy of the movie's portrayal of the science behind CTE, with some experts expressing concerns about potential inaccuracies.
Concussion Movie
Concussion Movie Download - 2015
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