Infinity Pool Movie - 2023
"Infinity Pool" is a 2023 science fiction horror film written and directed by Brandon Cronenberg. The film stars Alexander Skarsgrd, Mia Goth, and Cleopatra Coleman. It follows a struggling writer and his wife on vacation who, after an accident, discover the country's dark culture
The movie is set on the fictional island of La Tolqa, where a young couple, James and Em Foster, are enjoying an all-inclusive beach vacation. However, a fatal accident exposes the resort's perverse subculture of hedonistic tourism, reckless violence, and surreal horrors
Two slightly different versions of the movie were released: an R-rated cut for the U.S. market and an Unrated (previously NC-17) one for the rest of the world and the home video market on Blu-Ray. The differences between the two versions are negligible, with the Unrated cut containing slightly more violence and nudity
The movie was filmed primarily in the luxurious Amadria Park resort in ibenik, Croatia, and post-production took place in Toronto, Canada. "Infinity Pool" premiered at the 2023 Sundance Film Festival and was released by Elevation Pictures in Canada on January 27, 2023. The film's European premiere was held at the 73rd Berlin International Film Festival in the Berlinale Special section. It was released on VOD on February 14, 2023, and the uncut version was made available by Neon on March 7, 2023
The film received mixed reviews, with some describing it as a wild, surreal, unapologetic, violent, and pornographic movie about privilege, morality, and surreal horrors. The director, Brandon Cronenberg, is noted for taking big swings with the film, and it has been described as a compelling and fascinating piece of work
The movie stars Alexander Skarsgrd, Mia Goth, and Cleopatra Coleman. Official trailers for "Infinity Pool" are available on YouTube, providing a glimpse into the movie's storyline and setting
"Infinity Pool" is a unique and intriguing film that delves into dark themes and surreal horrors, offering a compelling and thought-provoking viewing experience for those interested in the science fiction horror genre.