Kurukuru - 2015
"Kurukuru" is a Yoruba movie that was released in 2015. It was directed by Seun Olaiya and produced by Yewande Adekoya. The film features actors such as Odunlade Adekola, Murphy Afolabi, Bigval Jokotoye, and others.
The plot of "Kurukuru" revolves around a jovial lady who undergoes a sudden change due to an affliction she is facing. Her brother becomes her only confidant, hiding her from the public and even from the person she loves the most. The movie explores themes of family, love, and the challenges faced by the protagonist.
It is worth noting that there are multiple sources mentioning the release of "Kurukuru" in 2015, including the premiere of the second part of the movie on December 14, 2015, at the Arena Shopping Complex in Oshodi, Lagos. The film received attention for its storyline and performances.
Kurukuru Movie
Kurukuru Yoruba Movie Download - 2015
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