Polaroid - 2019
"Polaroid" is a 2019 American supernatural horror film directed by Lars Klevberg, based on his 2015 short film of the same name. The movie follows high schooler Bird Fitcher, who is given a vintage Polaroid camera that holds dark and mysterious secrets. She soon realizes that those who get their picture taken by it meet a tragic death
The camera used in the movie is a Polaroid SX-70. Whenever it is used in the trailer, the distinctive sound of a charging flashgun is heard, followed by a pop and visible flash when the picture is taken. However, the SX-70 has no flash built in and there is no flash attachment fitted to the camera
The film was theatrically released in Germany on January 10, 2019, by Wild Bunch, and in the United Kingdom on June 1, 2019. It was released in the United States on September 17, 2019, on VOD and on October 11, 2019, in select theaters, by Vertical Entertainment, before streaming on Netflix
The movie centers on high school loner Bird, who stumbles upon a Polaroid vintage camera. She soon discovers that whoever has their picture taken by the camera will meet a tragic end
. The film also features characters such as Bird Fitcher, Tyler Young, Samantha Logan, Mitch Pileggi, and Javier Botet.