Vendetta - 2022
"Vendetta" is a 2022 American action-thriller revenge film written and directed by Jared Cohn. The film stars Clive Standen, Theo Rossi, Mike Tyson, Thomas Jane, and Bruce Willis. It was released in limited theaters and on-demand platforms on May 17, 2022, by Redbox Entertainment. Notably, this film is one of the last to star Bruce Willis, who retired from acting due to being diagnosed with aphasia
The plot revolves around a former U.S. Marine, William Duncan, seeking revenge against the thugs who murdered his daughter. The film received mixed to negative reviews, with criticisms directed at the acting, action, and overall storyline. Some reviewers expressed disappointment in the film's execution, with one review from Rotten Tomatoes highlighting the "horrible acting and direction" and stating that the story "could've been so much better"
The cast includes notable names such as Bruce Willis, Clive Standen, Thomas Jane, Theo Rossi, and Mike Tyson. Redbox Entertainment acquired the American distribution rights to the film, and it was expected to have a limited theatrical run and be available day-and-date on demand
"Vendetta" is an action-thriller film that, despite its star-studded cast, received mixed to negative reviews for its execution and storyline. It was released in May 2022 and marked one of Bruce Willis's final films before his retirement from acting.